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Friday, August 4, 2023

Danish Public School Advertising Campaign 2023

Impacts of Covid on Job Market

 The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the job market and led to the emergence of new job trends and opportunities. However, please note that the situation might have evolved since then. Some potential post-COVID job trends and areas of opportunity that were gaining prominence:

The pandemic accelerated the shift to remote work, leading to a rise in jobs that support remote collaboration, virtual communication, and digital infrastructure.

The demand for healthcare workers, especially doctors, nurses, and medical researchers, was on the rise due to the ongoing need for medical support and vaccine development.

The shift to online shopping led to increased demand for e-commerce, logistics, and delivery-related jobs.

With more people and businesses relying on digital platforms, the need for cybersecurity experts to protect sensitive information and digital assets increased.

The education sector saw a surge in online learning platforms, creating opportunities for online educators, instructional designers, and e-learning content creators.

The pandemic highlighted the importance of telemedicine and digital health solutions, leading to a demand for professionals in health tech and telehealth services.

The disruptions in supply chains underscored the importance of efficient logistics and supply chain management, leading to job opportunities in this field.

As the world looked towards more sustainable practices, jobs related to renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and environmental conservation gained traction.

The pandemic emphasized the need for mental health support, leading to increased demand for therapists, counselors, and mental health advocates.

With more businesses moving online, the demand for digital marketing, content creation, and social media management grew.

Data-driven decision-making became even more important, leading to a rise in jobs related to data analysis, data science, and business intelligence.

The entertainment industry saw a shift towards digital platforms, creating opportunities in streaming services, online content creation, and gaming.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Feature about Poverty.

 Feature: Causes of Poverty in Pakistan

Pakistan, despite its rich cultural heritage and vast resources, grapples with the persistent issue of poverty. The causes of poverty in the country are multi-faceted and deeply rooted, affecting a significant portion of the population. This feature aims to shed light on some key factors that are contributing to poverty in Pakistan.

One of the primary causes of poverty in Pakistan is the unequal distribution of resources. The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few individuals or groups leads to a significant disparity in income and opportunities. Limited access to land, natural resources, and essential services such as healthcare and education further exacerbate the divide between the rich and the poor.

Lack of quality education is another major factor contributing to poverty. Pakistan faces significant challenges in its education system, including inadequate infrastructure, a shortage of qualified teachers, and low enrolment rates, particularly in rural areas. Without access to quality education, individuals are more likely to remain trapped in a cycle of poverty, with limited prospects for better employment and economic advancement.

High levels of unemployment and underemployment significantly contribute to poverty in Pakistan. The country's growing population, sluggish economy, and limited job opportunities make it challenging for individuals to secure stable employment. Many people, particularly youth, are forced to settle for low-wage jobs with minimal benefits, making it difficult to escape the cycle of poverty.

Agriculture is a vital sector in Pakistan, employing a significant portion of the population. However, numerous challenges, including water scarcity, outdated farming practices, and lack of access to credit and modern technology, hinder its growth. Poor agricultural productivity leads to low incomes for farmers and perpetuates poverty in rural areas, where a significant proportion of the population relies on farming for their livelihoods. Recent Devastating floods have destroyed crops and fertile farming land.  

Political instability and widespread corruption have a detrimental impact on economic growth and poverty alleviation efforts. Unstable governance, frequent policy changes, and rampant corruption divert resources away from development initiatives and essential public services. The lack of effective governance and accountability undermines efforts to reduce poverty and create a conducive environment for economic progress.

Efforts should focus on promoting inclusive economic growth, improving access to quality education and healthcare, creating employment opportunities, tackling corruption, and empowering marginalized groups, particularly women. By addressing these underlying causes, Pakistan can make significant strides toward reducing poverty and creating a more equitable and prosperous society for all its citizens.

Friday, September 18, 2020

  Technology on The Move

When Radio was popular back in the 20th century, no one expected that there would be a handheld device more powerful and compact than radio. But with the invention of smartphones with connectivity to its powerful master internet and with the help of millions of free apps smartphones phone become the powerful gadgets of the 21st century & they have replaced devices & accessories like they never existed.

Radio, Watch, Telephone, Fax, Scanner, Stopwatch, compass, Tape Recorders & Players, Alarm Clocks, wrist watch, Torch Light, & the list goes on. 

  Though smartphones give us ease in life it have killed various fields of our lives & various industries have gone bankrupt. the dead list of devices is very long, but some were for a short period.

CD & DVD players have Replaced VHS & they were replaced by DVR & USB Flash Disks & Computer hard disks added to the Media devices. And the development was so rapid that it was a race against time & many companies needed to adopt the change. 

 Nokia a phone Giant that enjoyed a long history of making Quality & durable phones, was unable to produce a smartphone on time to enter the new market instead they keep experimented and joined hands with Microsoft to produce an operating system for their new Nokia Lumia Series, the worst failure in the Tech industry. The Nokia CEO Handed over the company to Microsoft and stated that we didn't do anything wrong but failed.

But actually, they failed to produce a phone that ran on Android. Instead, they made it more complicated by launching the Lumia Phone and Using the useless Microsoft Windows as the mobile operating system.

Many tech Giants like SONY Panasonic LG SAMSUNG have moved along and produced phones to this date, facing brutal competition. Still, they survived the tech tsunami created by HTC & iPhone by adopting innovation especially LG was amazing of All. Recently LG launched a new phone named LG Wing and it will completely take the market by Storm.


The phone is mind-blowing & jaw-dropping sending positive vibes in the tech community but it can be very disastrous for its competitors.

SAMSUNG HUAWEI XIAOME LG SONY are leading names and they are running shoulder to shoulder.

iPhone enjoys its elite class because of the  IOS operating system.

 the rapid development of technology is so powerful that it's making people jobless.

experts in various fields have to learn a new skill because the devices they were expert in it left the market.

the way our computer and Phone devices are updating we will have to update our manpower skills so we can adapt to the changes without causing havoc in the future. 

Qaisar iqbal Danish Yousafzai


Saturday, November 23, 2019

  Nepotism in Job Hiring in Pakistan: A Barrier to Meritocracy Nepotism, the act of favoring relatives or friends, particularly in employmen...